Dorian Greenow

 In 2015, Dorian Greenow weighed 210 lbs and had nearly all the markers for metabolic syndrome. He and his wife, Gemma embarked on the ketogenic lifestyle, began monitoring their glucose and ketones to dial in their nutrition choices. 

Within six months, Dorian had lost 47 lbs and came off all medications. The Ketogenic lifestyle changed their lives, but ketone testing was expensive and inaccessible to many in need. 

In 2017, Dorian successfully launched Keto-Mojo, lowering the cost of ketone testing by 75%, offering the first affordable, accurate blood glucose and ketone testing meter. With the release of the GKI (Europe) and GK+ meters, and the HIPAA and GDPR compliant MyMojoHealth, their platform now provides real time data for monitoring and compliance, resulting in better health outcomes. 

Dorian speaks at numerous conferences globally. Additionally, he and Gemma also founded The Ketogenic Foundation, a non-profit charity, fostering Ketogenic Education, Medical Research, and Information Sharing for the benefit of improving the health of humankind.


Dorian’s Top Tips

Casting out the white devils.
Calculate your macros and use the calculations for a while.
Use a ketone and glucose measurement device to act as your compass.
Be a JERFer – Just Eat Real Food.

Resources Mentioned

D Minder App

Keto Mojo Macro Calculator

Buy a Keto-Mojo


Quotes by Dorian Greenow

“You gotta cast those white devils outta your life.”

“I look at measuring ketones like a map and compass model.”

“Bio-individuality is really important (don’t compare to others – what’s your baseline?).”

“How would you characterise a ketogenic diet in a sentence? – I would say it is adequate fat, moderate protein and lots above ground leafy vegetables.”

“If you are already obese and you have lots of fat on your body adding more fat into your diet might not be necessary.”

“We know the scales lie to you every morning.”

“Ketosis is a state of being.”

“Any carbohydrate will get turned to sugar and glucose within your body.”

“It’s more of a brain thing, than a need thing (needing to eat lunch).”

“Consistency sometimes is more important than trying to target optimal.”

“I am the world’s worst business man because what I am ultimately trying to do, is if I have done my job correctly you will no longer need my product.”

“It’s all about trying to get population healthy.”

“What’s my legacy going to be in life that I made a buck or I made a difference?”

“Remember lifestyle can be hard when you go out there into the real world.”

“Your brain on glucose is the same as your brain on cocaine.”

“This is what pleases me the most, is a revolution happens one person and one doctor at a time.”

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