Lisa Bailey

 Lisa is a 52 year old who hails originally from Bournemouth, in the south of England. She is a qualified Personal Trainer, with special certifications in Kettlebell training, HIIT training and Cardio Kickboxing, plus she is also a qualified Naturopathic Nutritionist and Primal Health Coach. 

Years of various illnesses relating to gut health led Lisa to investigate her dietary patterns and, after qualifying as a nutritionist, more research took her on a journey from vegetarian to carnivore with the result of alleviation of all her symptoms.

After suffering an injury to her back many years ago, she turned to strength training to heal her own body, and believes that exercise is an important part of the overall lifestyle and achieving optimal health. 

Lisa got into low carb/keto for health reasons. She had been a vegetarian for 27 years, fortunately she ate eggs. She thought she was doing it for health reasons and environmental reasons. Lisa suffered with IBS symptoms. After training as a personal trainer and nutritionist, she read a lot, which led her to paleo, thinking she had an issue with gluten. She ate paleo as a vegetarian and was constantly tired.

With more research she felt she had to add some meat and fish back into her diet. This wasn’t an easy decision having been a vegetarian for 27 years.  Within 3 weeks her smell and taste came back.

Lisa eats nose to tail and her health has never been better. Lisa believes if you are going to kill an animal then you should make use of the whole animal, plus different parts of the animal have different nutrients.


Lisa’s Books

Kettlebell courses – online courses

Nutrition programs

Health and wellness programs

Lisa’s Top Tips

Be patient and give it time
Avoid substituting unhealthy foods with healthier versions – step away from substituting
Embrace that it is a lifestyle change

Resources Mentioned

Amber O’Hearn

Georgia Eade

The Fat of The Land – Vilhjalmur Stefansson

Strong Medicine – Blake F. Donaldson

The PE Diet – Ted Naiman M.D. and William Shewfelt

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration: A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects – Weston A Price

Primal Blueprint – Mark Sissons

Paleo Solutions – Robb Wolf

Maria Emmerich 



Human Performance Outliers – Shawn Baker and Zach Bitter

Peak Human – Brian Sanders

Kettle bells on Amazon UK


Quotes by Lisa Bailey

“The more I researched, the more I thought I am going to have to put some meat and fish back into my diet. It wasn’t an easy decision because 27 years as a vegetarian is a long time.“

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