Nicola Lock

 Nicola Lock was a medical secretary in the NHS for 15 years and then set up as a freelance/self employed medical transcriptionist which she has been doing for the last 17 years, mainly in the private sector.

Her interest in low carb began about 6 years ago after discovering Michael Mosley’s 8 week blood sugar diet. Over the years she has made several attempts at losing weight which either failed or if she succeeded initially she then put the weight back and was back to square one.

In the New Year of 2019 she threw herself into low carb in an attempt to lose weight and six months later had lost 23lbs, which she has kept off (give or take a few pounds). Although she had no initial health issues after being low carb she has noticed improvement in her skin as well as improved energy and wellbeing.

Nicola has been a member of the Nutrition Network since July 2020 and has completed several of their courses including Nutrition Network Advisor, Obesity: Risks & Reversal, Ethics and Neurology. Nicola has been a PHC ambassador since October 2020 and has become involved in the Unwins low carb group.

Who was THE ONE?

Dr Michael Mosely


Nicola’s Top Tips

Read food labels
Take time out for yourself
Find like minded people or groups to connect with

Resources Mentioned

The 8-Week Blood Sugar Diet: Lose weight fast and reprogramme your body: Lose weight and reprogramme your body – Dr Michael Mosley

Metabolical: The truth about processed food and how it poisons people and the planet – Robert H. Lustig MD

Ravenous: Otto Warburg, the Nazis, and the Search for the Cancer-Diet Connection – Sam Apple

Fabulously Keto Facebook Group

PHC (Public Health Collaboration)

Quotes by Nicola Lock

“I have never really been a sciency kind of person but something about it just clicked something in my mind”

“The usual story after Christmas I got on the scales and just wanted to cry, I had put so much weight on”

“I got so passionate about the whole thing that you could lose all this weight without being hungry that I just wanted to tell everybody about it.”

“A packet of crisps, a packet of Doritos or Pringles I just think of them being covered in engine oil, it just revolts me.”

Connect with Nicola Lock on social media






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