Renee Jones

 After 40 years on a diet, yo-yoing up and down the scale, Renée Jones had learned every diet – and every cheat – before finally stopping the comfort and stress eating to shed “those last 30 pounds” yet AGAIN in 2012 but this time, she has maintained at her goal weight.   Now she helps others overcome their emotional eating to shed their weight AND keep it off.

Renée has a Master’s degree in Marriage and Family Counseling and a Clinical Residency in pastoral care to guide her international coaching practice of traditional and contemporary models as well as relaxation and horse-assisted methods.  Her book, What’s Really Eating You: Overcome the Triggers of Comfort Eating, is an Amazon bestseller, and her TEDx talk helps her reach people around the world.  

Use what works for your style.


Renee’s Books

What’s Really Eating You?: Overcome the Triggers of Comfort Eating – Renée Jones


Renee’s Top Tips

Start where you are – sustain and then bridge
Go at your own pace – Emotional baggage is a thing
Find what works for you

Resources Mentioned

TEDEx talk 


Keto Chow

Quotes by Renee Jones

“There are many other things that can bring us comfort or stress relief. It’s not always food. It’s just easy. It’s available. It’s legal.”

“When you face your stuff, you no longer have to stuff your face for comfort or stress relief.”

“I can put whatever I want in my mouth, I get to control that. So we work on, ‘okay, is this the outcome you want?”

“One of my favourite questions that helps me as well as them is: is that who you want to be?”

“My goal is always to help them heal their heart, so they can do it on their own.”

“When I was about 10 years old, I looked around at all the other little girls, and I was a redhead. So I was already different to everyone else. And I was also chunky. And all the other blonde and brunette girls were thin. And I thought I don’t want to be chunky.”

“I did that for 40 stinking years”

“I ran across some really good advice, which was: only eat when you’re hungry. I thought if I could do that, I wouldn’t have a problem.”

“I think that we have a global pandemic beyond COVID, and that is low self-esteem.”

“It’s a culturally approved sin [eating].”

“This is what my grandmother told me back in the 70s, to just watch your sugars and starches and you’ll be fine.”

“I haven’t been depressed and I have a brighter outlook. This is weird. I don’t understand it. But I’ve basically stayed keto since then. I’ll have an occasional time when I have a few more carbs here and there. But I always come back to keto because it makes me feel so good.”

“Anytime we get an opportunity to look at it differently, we have an opportunity to grow.”

“Emotional baggage is a thing. If you don’t want it to control you,

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