Simone Cohn

 Simone qualified as a Reflexologist at The British School of Complementary Therapy in Harley Street London, in December 2000.

To further her knowledge and passion in health and wellbeing, that same year she embarked on a Health Science degree, specialising in Therapeutic Bodyworks at The University of Westminster. From her degree, she gained experience in a variety of bodywork practices, that combated conditions such as migraines, muscle tension and stress-related illnesses.

Whilst completing her degree, Simone also built up a successful private practice offering treatments and techniques in a variety of Bodywork therapies, including reflexology.

In 2013 Simone was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia; a chronic pain disorder. To understand more about the illness, she trained with renowned USA Fibromyalgia coach, Tami Stackelhouse. Once qualified, Simone incorporated her knowledge of pain management and nutrition into her roster of Bodywork therapies, to re-establish herself as a Health and Wellbeing Coach.

With her wealth of knowledge and personal experience, Simone was fortunate enough to be part of the, “NHS Healthier You”, National Diabetes Prevention Programme, where she worked with individuals and groups for nine months, to provide educational and nutritional sessions to pre-diabetic patients.

Simone found the programme a wonderful, eye-opening experience which further ignited her passion and interest in the psychology around health and sugar addiction.

As a bodyworker with almost 20 years of experience in the health industry, Simone’s extensive training and practical knowledge, coupled with her own health journey, has given her the unique ability to recognise each clients’ individual needs and goals, making Simone a highly successful, empathetic and intuitive Health and Wellbeing practitioner.

She strongly believes that her role as a Health and Wellbeing Coach is to educate, encourage and support a patient’s journey to living a healthier, vibrant life.

Simone’s health journey anniversary is memorialised on 04/06/15 when her ex-brother-in-law introduced her to the Prof Tim Noakes Banting and Real Meal Revolution.  As a qualified Therapeutic Bodyworker, she has a deep understanding of how the body works and more importantly heals. With a diagnosis of fibromyalgia in 2013, Simone set about to learn more about the role of chronic pain management, both for herself and her clients.  This led to her next chapter which incorporated nutrition and lifestyle when she was introduced to Tim Noake’s Real Meal Revolution.  Now working as a health and wellbeing coach, Simone seeks to educate, encourage and support clients to a healthier and vibrant life. 

Simone's Top TipPlan your meals to ensure that you have the right foods available to you

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