Nikola Howard

Nikola says that she started to gain weight when she entered puberty. She put this down to good too much ice-cream and a decreasing desire to exercise. In 1999, aged 29, weighing 19st 2lbs, an Evans size 26 she was concerned about the arthritis in her right knee, both wrists and left shoulder.  Having lost 3 and half stone with low fat diets, and then gaining it back again, along with the extra 4 stones, what hindsight now as a very hypoglycaemic person, the periods of being hungry and ratty on those low fat attempts were increasingly wearing.  She would reach for the raisins, as a fast sugar fix, which became her saviour food. What we now know as a  typical “High and crash” insulin reaction.

It was a work colleague that introduced her to the “Dr Atkins’ New Diet Revolution” which he had used to lose weight and lent her the book.

The principles of low-carbing changed her life. She discovered freedom from Hunger. As a confirmed carnivore, low-carbing is a way of eating (WOE) where she can eat the foods that she loves. She believes that there is no sense of deprivation, as you can still eat Curry, Chinese, Steak, and (with preparation) the ice-cream and the biscuits, finding that life is just better without the Sugar and Starch.  

As we will hear, her journey hasn’t always been smooth sailing, with some obstacles getting in the way and interrupting her low carb living.  She has endured prolonged stalls, managing various health issues, side effects of treatments yet she found her way back to low carb and is now coaching.  She now works with clients who struggle with being overweight, tired, who may feel that they suffer with shame, guilt and anxiety in order to get some space, clarity and reclaim their health.  She seeks to free people from Diet Prison and wishes for the UK to stop eating itself sick by being able to disrupt the diet industry paradigm, moving away from that shame and guilt that comes with sense of victimhood associated with food and bodies.  

Nikola's Book

How to do Low Carb, UK Style!: Eat your way to an optimal body - Nikola Howard

Nikola's Top TipsEat food when you are hungryIf you are not hungry, don’t eat or stop eating Make each mouthful as optimal as you can, given the circumstances that you find yourself in.
Resources Mentioned

Dr. Atkins New Diet Revolution: The No-hunger, Luxurious Weight Loss Plan That Really Works!

- Dr. Robert C Atkins  

CCLW maybe the term Critical Carbohydrate Level for Losing (CCLL) 

Critical Carbohydrate Level for Maintenance (CCLM)

I Breathe I’m Hungry Chocolate Brownie Mug Cake 

Nikola’s bread recipe:


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