Ratatouille is on the Fabulously Delicious menu today and because it's traditionally a plant-based dished or vegetarian dish I wanted to find out not only about the dish itself but also about plant-based and vegetarian or vegan food in France. So who better to chat with than a woman who wrote a cookbook about that exact subject, Sarala Terpstra. 

You might want to check out my recipe for Ratatouille on the link below as well. It's delicious. 


Fabulously Delicious is all about French food and French cuisine the people that make it, cook it, taste it, write about it, photograph it and love it. We chat with Franco foodies here in France and around the world. 

You can check out more information about me and my food journey from MasterChef to France at Andrew Prior Fabulously my website and blog via the link below. Here you will find some delicious recipes from my YouTube channel Cooking Fabulously. 



Don't forget to follow my food and French life journey on Instagram @andrewpriorfabulously

And if you'd like to support Fabulously Delicious and help to create more delicious episodes you can buy me a croissant via the link below. 


If you need some to help you plan your next trip to France and or Paris then also check out buy me a coffee for my special zoom call option. 


Or you can support on a monthly basis by becoming a Patreon member to receive exclusive recipes and other exciting events. 


You can find out more about Sarala Terpstra via the below link 
