I’ve decided to relaunch the Fabulous Secrets podcast! But instead of a show about teaching comics (a topic I cover thoroughly on the Lean Into Art Cast), the new edition of FS will feature casual conversations with cartoonists. Think of it as a less formal version of the Comics Are Great! show. In this first episode I […]

I’ve decided to relaunch the Fabulous Secrets podcast! But instead of a show about teaching comics (a topic I cover thoroughly on the Lean Into Art Cast), the new edition of FS will feature casual conversations with cartoonists. Think of it as a less formal version of the Comics Are Great! show.

In this first episode I talk with Rachel Polk, my production assistant, about the different battles one faces between doing color flats, lettering, and coloring. We also talk a little bit about X-Men and why Rachel doesn’t “swoon.”

New episodes drop first on the Lean Into Art Patreon page. They’ll appear in this feed a few weeks after that.

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