
Ann’s professional website is and her Instagram account is @annkroeker. You can connect with her on social media, her feed is filled with posts that contain actionable writing tips and helpful advice. Also, we’d recommend checking out the “5 Writing Tips!” located in her Instagram stories.

We greatly enjoyed listening to episodes of Ann’s writing podcast “Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach", which can be found at: She also has a writing blog at:

The Vebivore references a free mini-course titled “Make Your Sentences Sing: 7 Sentence Openers to Add Music to Your Prose” that Ann offers through her website. That course can be found here: . She also has several other writing courses available for a fee at

Ann mentioned an episode we did on imitation, that episode is titled Episode 22: Imitation as a way to find your voice. Ann’s episode on Benjamin Franklin’s method of imitation is Ep 189: Write to Discover New Skills and Techniques.

If you’re interested in finding out more about the 1:1 services Ann provides and her current rates, that information is located on her Work With Me page at

Ann mentioned at the end of the episode that she’s providing a free gift to our listeners of “52 Creative Writing Prompts: A Year of Weekly Prompts and Exercises to Boost Your Creativity”. That gift can be found at:

Books Mentioned:

Writing Down the Bones: Freeing the Writer Within by Natalie Goldberg

Music from:
’Friendly day’ by Kevin MacLeod (
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