
Victoria mentions that she posted a pitch on Twitter during #PitMad. This is a pitch party on Twitter where individual authors pitch their completed, polished, unpublished manuscripts. Agents and editors can make requests for more information. The next date for the 2020 #PitMad is September 3, 2020 (8AM – 8PM EDT). Check out more information on

Victoria also discussed writing during NaNoWrMo camp. The camp occurs each year in April and July, and you are able to set your own word goals and work on any type of writing project while tracking your progress on this website. They also have writers who serve as camp counselers by sharing advice and sending out prompts. More information can be found at

Books Mentioned:

The Storyteller’s Daughter by Victoria McCombs

Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine

Twelve Dances Princesses Trilogy by Jessica Day George