Previous Episode: 103 - Outward Facing

Mel welcomes everyone to the podcast and shares her experiences with the Calm App. She also shares Chair Yoga, our featured workout for the month of November. All newsletter subscribers, past and present can receive the free download of a wrist, back and neck stretch that was featured as part of a previous podcast. Current subscribers have received the download link in their most recent newsletters, and new subscribers can sign up from BlindAlive’s main page

Then Mel and Lisa delve into the interesting and unusual subject of ASMR. Two links of interest for learning about ASMR are ASMR University and The .

Also mentioned in this podcast are an interview Mel did with the creator of the Sleep with Me Podcast and a binaural recording of a haircut.

Mel takes us on a quick but thorough tour of many of the muscles in our bodies.

Then, Lisa reviews The Obesogen Effect: Why We Eat Less And Exercise More But Still Struggle To Lose Weight by Bruce Blumberg and Kristin Loberg.

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