Welcome to the milestone and 100th Episode of Eyes & Teeth. Since my first recorded conversation with the wonderful Jimmy Cricket back in June 2020, I have recorded over 150 conversations with incredible performers from showbusiness, they are my heroes, friends, entertainers I admire and respect and I have spent over 930 hours researching, recording, editing and posting these wonderful podcasts. I’m not going to thank the Pandemic because it has destroyed lives, careers and businesses but I would not of had the time to even start a podcast constantly on the road so I want to thank my wife Nina and my daughters Lola & Larissa for putting up with the DO Not Disturb sign on the door whilst I record these chats, and for kicking them out of rooms whilst we all lockdown for 18 months.

I wanted today’s edition to be extra special and when I received a reply from Jimmy Tarbuck on my voicemail saying he would love to be on my anniversary show, I was delighted to have it in the can only a few days later. He called me on the morning of February 6th 2021 on his 81st Birthday whilst he was trying to get his golf club opened for his birthday, but in the meantime he had half an hour spare and we talked about those moments with Tommy Cooper, Sir Ken Dodd, Sir Bruce Forsyth, Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Dennis Spicer, Arthur Worsley and of course his first steps on the stage at the London Palladium.

 Welcome to eyes and teeth edition 100 JIMMY TARBUCK OBE