Glenn M Ford is known as the renowned Norman Wisdom tribute and his friendship with the man himself went beyond endorsement. Glenn has worked his way through the Clubs, Theatres, Summer Seasons and Charity Performances in hopes that one day a Royal Variety Show will come his way. He has never given up that dream, just like myself.  We put ourselves out there and do what we do to make people smile, laugh and reminisce.
Once you have that bug it's hard to shake off. Sadly Sir Norman is no longer with us or thanks to Glenn, he still can be and if you see a Norman Wisdom on stage in a recent drama on Television then chances are it was Mr Ford that you saw.
Glenn has dressed as Norman and walked 100's of miles to raise over £20,000 for worthy causes and he never stops giving.
His childhood mirrors Wisdom's similarly but in true Norman Wisdom style he found his way to the Spotlight of Showbusiness..
Welcome to Eyes & teeth Glenn M Ford