Andrew is an encyclopaedia of showbusiness anecdotes and true history of Magic & Circus. Today you will hear a cavalcade of names that will make you smile and reminisce along with us. From his days on famous TV and movie sets as a kid to performing on countless TV shows and working with the best in the business Andrew has done it all and is still doing it all.

He grew up surrounded by entertainment, its in his DNA but he has made it his own identity and he is modest and passionate about his work and also about keeping the memories and people knew alive with his stories. We speak of ventriloquists Neville King, Albert Saveen and Ray Alan. Andrew talks of the night he made Peter Kay appear on stage as well as comedians such as Arthur Askey, Norman Collier to destroying plates with Sherrie Hewson on the generation game.

We talk about Re-Educating Archie and our collaboration over the years as well as Andrew’s incredible Phillip Astley project 

 His story along with his extremely talented parents Connie & Fred Van Buren is one special journey and I welcome you aboard to the story within Eyes & Teeth when I talk to Andrew Van Buren