Our final episode celebrating Black History Month 2019 features the sci-fi short film WHIPPING BOY, written by Aiah Samba and directed by Michael Chance.

WHIPPING BOY depicts a future in which the wealthy and elite live apart from the masses within skyscrapers built miles high into the sky.

Due to their isolation, the rich have become maladjusted, unable to cope with the stressors of everyday life. Enter “whips,” individuals who hire themselves out to be used as literal human punching bags by the affluent for a set time and price.

The short film follows a whip named Ollie (Tongayi Chirisa) who becomes enmeshed in a deadly mystery after a meeting with a client goes wrong.


The 7th Matrix Review of WHIPPING BOY: https://www.the7thmatrix.com/blog/2015/9/14/whipping-boy

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Podcast Intro/Outro music: "I Succumb" by António Bizarro


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