For more than a quarter-century, one of the schooners Woodwind have been plying the waters of the Chesapeake Bay. The Woodwind had her first sail on 1993 and her sister, Woodwind II came on the scene in 1998 after increased demand. And they have not looked back.

From starring in the hit film Wedding Crashers to having their own beer (Seas The Bay), the two beautiful boats are always providing a great time for locals and tourists alike. You can find local music, local beer, local lore, and even a boat and breakfast overnight stay!

The family owned company was started by Ken and Ellen Kaye after a career teaching school. They came to Annapolis to sail their dream with their daughter Jennifer. Today, Ken and Ellen are semi-retired (can you ever retire from sailing?) and Captain Jennifer is at the helm of this ever popular company. 

Have a listen and for more information, here is your link!

Up next Saturday: Third Eye Comics and Third Eye Games & Hobbies