Leadership Anne Arundel. I knew of the organization for years, but really was a bit confused about what exactly it was that the DO.

Well, mystery solved!  Today, we speak with Kris Shock who is the President and CEO of the organization to pull back the curtain. In a nutshell, it is an organization that helps leaders in the community thrive by allowing them to take a school year-long deep dive into what makes the community tick and also to produce a final project to better our community. 

Have you have ever asked yourself how you can make a difference in our world? Or maybe you know you can make a difference and just need the place to shine?  Check out LAA --it may be the right place for you. 

I had toyed with applying (classes are limited) in the past and there was always something preventing me. This year, it is different. Our world has changed so much in the past three months and I think it is time for some people to step up. I applied, and if accepted, I look forward to the challenge. 

The deadline to apply has been extended to June 30th, so if this sounds like something for you....why to join me and apply today?


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