Previous Episode: Extroverted Developer #6
Next Episode: Extroverted Developer #8

This week Ben and I talk with Basho developer Sean Cribbs about NoSQL and how they write software.

Show NotesRiakAmazon’s Dynamo PaperRiak is really good for cloud storageLAMP pretty much scales horizontally vs Microsoft’s big iron approachVoxer is probably the biggest deployment of RiakHow do you work effectively remotely?Chatrooms:Hipchat, Campfire and HubotAgile Zen for ensuring you have a pull based workflowDifferences in culture re: work hours between west and east coastDistributed version control workflowSean’s Coder WallCommon pitfalls when moving from SVN to gitGitHub: Code comments start to matter more when they’re public :)GitHub FlowHow GitHub Uses GitHub to Build GitHubconflict between Open Source vs Proprietary featuresHow do you do Continuous Integration with GitHub?Pro TipsSean: git submodules, or How to use github to API documentationBen: Dropbox feature: Packrat and Events feedListen

