[include file=get-in-itunes.html]Lucas Rockwood (affiliate link) stopped by to talk about Gravity Yoga and his website, Yoga Body Naturals. We got to learn all the different styles of yoga and we had a great time talking about how yoga and increased flexibility can help balance the body. He called in from Spain and we used Skype for our connection. There were a couple technical difficulties but we've ironed all of them out.

If you're curious about yoga and are considering it as a practice, which I highly encourage anybody to do no matter what their age, weight or level of health, then you'll definitely want to hear Lucas's unique take on how yoga can benefit you.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

Why yoga is so healing to the body
The Benefits of yoga
The different yoga styles - how to choose
What diet is good for yoga
How yoga helps other areas of life
Can people start at any age
How can yoga slow the aging process
What are some foods that make you stiff or flexible?
What's the role of calcium buildup in joints to being flexible?
Does yoga make joints and tendons more flexible or just the muscles
What is gravity yoga
Does running cause stiffness
How long does it take each day?
How yoga compares with the 5 Rites and Qigong (Chi-Gong)?
And much more!

Lucas Rockwood teaches how to double your flexibility in less than 4 weeks - Click to tweet this!


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Show Date:9/19/2012


Show Guest:Lucas Rockwood


Guest Info:LUCAS ROCKWOOD is a yoga teacher and teacher trainer. Originally from the United States, Lucas now lives between Spain and Thailand where he conducts professional yoga teacher training courses and yoga retreats. Lucas is a nutritional coach who studied under Gabriel Cousens, M.D. in Arizona; and as a yoga teacher, he has studied with some of the world's greatest teachers including: Sri K. Pattabhi Jois, Sharath Rangaswamy, Alex Medin, Paul Dallaghan, and Eddie Stern. Lucas is known for his passion for nutrition, health, and transformation.


Topic:Gravity Yoga, Stretching, Exercise & Raw Food


Guest Website(s):
http://www.yogabodynaturals.com (affiliate link)

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Guest Product(s):Click Below To Checkout The Books While Listening! :)

See all of Lucas's products here


Items Mentioned:
Longevity Now by David Wolfe (affiliate link)


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Duration/Size:00:59:49 / 54.76 MB


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Follow Us!:Please consider ReTweeting the following update to share this episode...Lucas Rockwood teaches us how to double our flexibility in less than 4 weeks.extremehealthradio.com/10— Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) September 19, 2012


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