Elwin Robinson was on the show today and we were talking to him from his home in Portugal.

For those that don't know he's the author of The New Easy Exhaustion Cure: For Workaholics and Overachievers.

We talked about how Elwin got started with his health journey and how he changed his life as a result of learning about spirituality.

We also talked about breathing techniques and why breathing properly is essential for proper digestion and cleansing.

Breathing is something we all do and it's also something that many people over look in terms of their healing strategy. One of the major takeaways I got from this show with Elwin was just how important it is to bring more conscious awareness to your eating habits and how you breathe.

Another topic we discussed was stress and how to naturally lower stress levels in the body. Stress is (in my opinion) probably the #1 killer. I believe managing stress is more important that what food you eat, what nutrition you take in, how well you sleep or anything else.

Stress kills.

We also talked about proper ways to detoxify and cleanse the human body. It's not correct to start a detox program if your organs of elimination aren't working properly. Your liver, lungs, kidneys and colon all need to be working well and highly functioning before you try to make them process toxins and poisons that are hanging out in your body from times past.

We hope you enjoyed our interview with Elwin Robinson as much as we did and if you did would you consider clicking "like" and "share" on this page to let your friends and family know about the work he is doing?

Kate and I would greatly appreciate that! :)

Sponsors For This Episode:

Essence Sea - Developed by noted scientist and professor, Dr. Ron Cusson's sea based products are nothing short of incredible. They have products that will increase your immune system boost health, increase energy as well as longevity. Kate and I highly stand behind what they're doing. Visit them today!

Liv On Labs Vitamin C - 1,000 milligrams of specially encapsulated vitamin c in 1 packet that DOESN'T upset your little tummy. I swear by this stuff. Watch the video at the link above to learn more.

Show Notes For This Episode:

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Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 - LivOn Labs Vitamin C
Commercial #2 - Essence Sea
Commercial #3 - The Raw Chef Online Program
Commercial #4 - Omron Portable Nebulizers
Commercial #5 - Relax FAR Infrared Saunas

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Show Date:

Monday 9/29/2014

Show Guest:

Elwin Robinson

Guest Info:

Elwin Robinson is the Founder of High Energy Academy, Lion Heart Herbs, Complete Detox Academy and Taoist Health Academy, as well as the Health Coaching Institute. He’s also the Author of ‘The Easy Exhaustion Cure‘ and ‘Use the Power of Tonic Herbs’ as well as the forthcoming ‘How to Detox Safely and Effectively’.

Show Topic:

Energy (and why so few of us have it)
Detox and Cleansing
Eastern/Taoist approach to health

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