[include file=get-in-itunes.html] If you have health ailments like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, glaucoma, cheloid scars, inflammation, joint pain and more they are all closely correlated to having TOO MUCH inabsorbable calcium in your body. It’s called over calcification. Being over calcified leads to internal fibrosis (organ shrinkage) and ultimately death. Professor Ron Cusson Phd talks […]

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If you have health ailments like arthritis, heart disease, cancer, glaucoma, cheloid scars, inflammation, joint pain and more they are all closely correlated to having TOO MUCH inabsorbable calcium in your body. It’s called over calcification. Being over calcified leads to internal fibrosis (organ shrinkage) and ultimately death.

Professor Ron Cusson Phd talks about how magnesium bicarbonite helps to push bad calcium out of the tissues, joints, ligaments, blood stream and ultimately organs. Removing bad calcium and introducing magnesium from the ocean and sea is where we can help heal the human organism.

This is truly a fascinating interview with a fascinating man. He’s a theoretical physicist by trade and gives us a great interview.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

The one food that calcifies us faster than any other
How to protect yourself from bad calcium in our tap water
Foods that are high in magnesium
Why magnesium is the most important mineral of all
How to convert your ordinary blender caraffe into a high energy super vortexer for creating structured water
How to dissolve soft tissue calcification
And so much more!

Professor Ron Cusson talks about the 1 food that calcifies us internally more than any other! – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date:
Friday 12/14/2012

Show Guest:
Dr. Ron Cusson

Guest Info:
Dr. Cusson was born in Drummondville, P. Quebec, Canada, in 1938 and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in Physics from the University of Montreal in 1960. Upon graduation, he immigrated to the US to obtain a PhD in Physics and Mathematics from California Institute of Technology in 1965. Dr. Cusson conducted several noted research projects and became a professor of Physics at Duke University. His Physics expertise would later transform Ron’s career beyond imagination through the application of this background to a new field of discovery.

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He was a sickly child from birth until age 17. Ron had every communicable childhood disease that can be had without dying outright – Diphtheria, pleuresia, scarlet fever, mumps, measles, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, to name a few. A child genius, he was able to graduate from high school, though he physically couldn’t attend class due to his illnesses. His poor health continued throughout most of his adult life, which included allergies, being crippled in his right ankle and left elbow, suffering from hypertension and osteoporosis, and afflicted with deterioration of his vision beginning at age 25 to name a few of his ailments. Dr. Ron Cusson (Ph.D. in physics, from Caltech, Pasadena, California), who spent much of his career designing and testing advanced systems for the U.S. government, has lead multiple projects involving scientific testing. He decided to retire at 59 with Type II Diabetes, to focus on his health. Dr. Cusson was confident that if he did not take his health into his own hands, he would be dead by age 65.

Soon after retiring, in 1997, he began an intense study on health and disease, hoping to find some solution to his desperate situation. He had a unique advantage due to the skills of being a disciplined researcher, coupled with having spent a lifetime as a PhD. in Physics and Mathematics. In his previous career, he primarily focused on advanced physics fields such as nuclear physics and theoretical physics.

By the age of 68 in July 2006, he had achieved a remarkable transmutation of health.

One of the first things that happened is that he lost all of his allergies. Things did not stop there – brown age spots were falling off the skin on the top of his hands. Reversal of his arthritic conditions began and a rebuilding of his challenged digestive system got underway. After a few months, the accommodation in his eyes (lost 25 years prior) began to return. A 4th area of healing then started to develop. The calcification began receding from his joints.

In addition to improving the vitality in his own life, his research culminated in the development of the EssenceSea product line that was formulated using the benefits of the healing properties of the ocean’s nutrients.

Calcification, Longevity, Vortexing, Magnesium

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Guest Product(s):

Click Below To Checkout The Products While Listening! 🙂

AgVol™ Fertilizer
Sea Cleanse™
AgVol™ Fertilizer Concentrate
Clear Energy Toner™
Sea Vitality™
Sea-Relief™ Lotion
Volamin™ Flavor Concentrate
Volamin™ Plasma
Volixer™ Water Concentrate

Items Mentioned:

Nutri Bullet NBR-12 12-Piece Hi-Speed Blender/Mixer System


5 Rites exercise

William Wong interview

Mark Sircus interview

John Apsley interview

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Interview with Ron Cusson

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This 1 food has minerals that are causing most all major diseases. Dr. Ron Cusson explains…extremehealthradio.com/48

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