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Did you know that all pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungus & yeast) vibrate at a certain frequency? Royal Raymond Rife and Wilhelm Riche were able to figure out what these frequencies are and apply a counter frequency to kill them. Think of the opera singer shattering a wine glass using the vibrations in their voice. This is huge because this means all pathogens that cause disease can be destroyed.

You can extrapolate that as you see fit. We won't make any claims in order to stay under the radar. This interview with Nenah Sylver will blow you away.

Please listen to this interview and pass it on to your friends! Please "Like" it on Facebook and do whatever you can to help spread the message of hope to people! I would be very grateful. :)

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

What is Rife Therapy and how does it work?
What conditions is Rife Therapy used for, and how successful is it?
How long does it take to clear up a condition?
If Rife Therapy is so effective, why hasn’t everyone heard about it?
Is it possible to get my own device and where can I purchase one?
Is there a special role of water, food, or nutritional supplements with this therapy?
Do EMF waves actually stay in our body?
Infared Saunas vs Regular Saunas
Empower people to not be symptomologists
Why Gluten is so harmful
How can grounding help?
The Bio Modulator machine from Dr. Jerry Tennent
Using color therapy to heal diseases

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Show Guest:
Dr. Nenah Sylver


Guest Info:
Writer, educator, artist and musician, Nenah Sylver has devoted her life to the exploration of healing on mental, emotional, physical and spiritual levels. Her early training in music led to subsequent studies in spirituality and physics—all complementary paths to her lifelong passion, the science of frequency.


For fifteen years, Nenah had a private practice in body-mind psychotherapy based on the groundbreaking principles of physician and natural scientist Wilhelm Reich. In 1996, she received her PhD from the Union Institute in Transformational Psychology, a multi-disciplinary program of holistic health, psychology and gender studies. Then, in what began as a quest for help with her own health issues, Nenah started researching Royal Rife and his inventions along with other electromedicine therapies. Her extensive knowledge of effective and safe holistic protocols eventually coalesced into The Rife Handbook. As Dr. Sylver's knowledge base grew, the 448-page paperback edition of The Rife Handbook grew into a hardcover volume containing 768 pages, the latest edition of which was published in 2011, called The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health.




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The Rife Handbook of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health
Sauna Handbook


Items Mentioned:

Nutrition and Physical Degeneration


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01:05:58 / 60.4 MB


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