[include file=get-in-itunes.html] If you have cancer or even advanced cancer, I would encourage you to listen to this interview and/or pass it on to you people you know. Dr. John Apsley has been doing amazing work in the field of cancer research for over 30 years. His 4 pillar approach to healing cancer is not […]

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If you have cancer or even advanced cancer, I would encourage you to listen to this interview and/or pass it on to you people you know. Dr. John Apsley has been doing amazing work in the field of cancer research for over 30 years. His 4 pillar approach to healing cancer is not only cutting edge but groundbreaking and unique yet simple and fundamental at the same time.

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We discuss the following and so much more:

Why drinking structured water is critical
The importance of detoxification at a cellular level
How to increase the proteins inside the cell
Why pancreatic enzymes used to work better for cancer than they do now
The role of minerals and cancer
And much more!

Dr. John Apsley uses a 4 pillar approach to heal advanced cancers… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Guest:
Dr. John Apsley

Guest Info:
Dr. Apsley is a physician and researcher specializing in cellular regeneration (healing advanced illnesses) and accelerated wound repair for the past 30 years. Dr. Apsley holds degrees in medicine – MD(E)*, chiropractic – DC, and nutrition – BS. Board certifications included: Acupuncture and Meridian Therapy, Spinal Disability Evaluator (CSDE), and Insurance Claims Reviewer (IRC).

He is also aqualified instructor of Electrodermal Scanning as well as Darkfield Microscopy.

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Advanced cancer

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Interview with Dr. John Apsley on healing advanced cancers

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Dr. John Apsley teaches us how to heal from advanced cancer naturally with a 4 pillar approach.extremehealthradio.com/31

— Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) November 6, 2012

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