[include file=get-in-itunes.html]Dr. Dawn Ewing talked about her MSA (meridian stress analysis) testing she does with her clients and patients. She does blood work, heavy metal testing, urine analysis, digital infared thermographic imaging, IgG food allergy test, iodine loading test, hair analysis and more.

She does it all. In today's interview we mainly talked about how the teeth play a role in our diseases like heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

After you listen, comment below and tell us what you think!

We discuss the following and so much more:

The dangers of root canals
How each tooth corresponds to particular organs via the meridian system
Her thoughts on what I use to brush my teeth
Kids and braces
What cavitations are and how they damage your health
Where to find a biological dentist
And so much more!

You probably didn't know it but your root canals might be the cause of all your problems! - Click to tweet this!


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Show Date:Monday 12/3/2012


Show Guest:Dr. Dawn Ewing


Guest Info:Dawn Ewing RDH, L-EMT-P, CCT, DNM, Ph.D, Doctor of Integrative Medicine she runs her website and is the author of Let The Tooth Be Known.



Topic:Oral health


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Items Mentioned:
The Smoking Tooth (youtube video)
International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine


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Duration/Size:00:57:45 / 54.48 MB


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Video Version:Full Youtube Interview (Opens in a new window) Youtube Time


Follow Us!:Please consider ReTweeting the following update to share this episode...Can all health problems be related to your teeth? Dr. Dawn Ewing explains...extremehealthradio.com/43— Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) December 4, 2012


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