[include file=get-in-itunes.html] I warned you that professor Brian Peskin was a fireball. Talk about a guy who is passionate about his work! But in reality how could you not be when you see how the “mainstream” medical science is killing people by telling them that fish oils are healthy? It would be similar to seeing […]

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I warned you that professor Brian Peskin was a fireball. Talk about a guy who is passionate about his work! But in reality how could you not be when you see how the “mainstream” medical science is killing people by telling them that fish oils are healthy? It would be similar to seeing injustice being done and not really caring.

Brian is passionate about what he does because he actually cares about people. He cares that people are being lied to and are taking supplements that are actually harming people.

Like he says it take about 10 years or so until the damage is known from the concentrated forms of fish oils. According to Mr. Peskin and Otto Warburg, cancer results when a cell is deprived of 35% of its oxygen.

What are cell membranes made from? If my memory serves me correct they’re mostly constructed of lipids, fats. These cell membranes built from fish oils prevent oxygen coming into the cells and thus making sure they stay healthy.

He makes the argument during the show that athletes and people who exercise a lot of high amounts of oxygen in the blood but not inside the cells. So somehow the oxygen from exercise isn’t making it into the cell itself.

He also states that a lack of parent essential oils (PEO) is also the main issue with heart disease and even diabetes.

These oils are everything. We need oil but we need the right kinds of oil. Butter, coconuts and other oils are good but not as good as parent essential oils according to Brian Peskin. Olive oil he says is simply the lack of a negative (fish oil) but doesn’t really benefit you very much.

So right after the show we ordered some parent essential oils and we’re going to see what they do for us. If we like them and see results we’re going to start selling them on the website.

As you know we like to use and thoroughly review each and every product we sell first so we know what we’re recommending to all of you. We’re real sticklers for quality over here at Extreme Health Radio.

So if you know anyone who is taking fish oil as part of their supplement protocol, could you do us a HUGE favor and send this link to them? It might really help to change their mind about what they’re doing and maybe even save their life!

We can’t thank you guys enough for all of your amazing emails and constant support. Without you there is no show.

I appreciate you.

We discuss the following and so much more:

How fish oils ruin your health
The science behind how they cause cancer, heart disease and diabetes
Whether or not cod liver oil and high vitamin butter oil recommended by the Weston A. Price foundation are safe
Why vitamin E is not good for your heart or cardiovascular health
Why fiber is so damaging to your health
The benefits of coconut oil
Interesting thoughts about olive oil
Why cardiovascular exercise can’t make up for a nutritional deficiency
Endothelial Tissue Comprised of Epithelial Cells
The cholesterol myth
Why his arteries are 20 years younger than his age even though he eats lots of meat
And so much more!

Is fish oil making you sick? Listen to Brian Peskin on what to take instead!… – Click to tweet this!

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Show Date:
Thursday 8/15/2013

Show Guest:
Brian Peskin

Guest Info:
The World’s Leading Physiologic EFA Expert

Prof. Brian Peskin is a world-leading scientist specializing in parent EFAs — termed PEOs — and their direct relationship to both cancer and cardiovascular disease. While advancing the scientific understanding of the role of essential fatty acids in the body’s metabolic pathways, he has concurrently developed a means for alleviating cancer’s prime cause, as postulated by Nobel Prize-winner Otto Warburg, M.D., Ph.D., by increasing cellular oxygenation (The Hidden Story of Cancer, www.pinnacle-press.com).

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Amazingly, there is a fundamental cancer / heart disease connection, whereby the same physiologic solution solves both conditions. This information will lead to a new understanding of how to treat and prevent both cancer and heart disease. The basis for Peskin’s current work, grounded strictly in state-of-the-art science — in particular, physiology — can be found in his seminal work and peer-reviewed medical journal articles. Clinical physicians throughout the world have validated Prof. Peskin’s EFA recommendations.

In the most exciting development to date, Brian’s theoretical conclusions were recently and completely validated in a physiological experiment by precise instrumentation capable of measuring arterial compliance. This experiment (IOWA experiment) provided the first conclusive clinical proof and validation of Prof. Peskin’s theory. Peskin Pharmaceuticals has a patent pending on the medicament that embodies this development.

The dangers of fish oil, cancer, heart disease, diabetes, parent essential oils

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Items Mentioned:

Dr. Robert Rowen and his Second Opinion Newsletter
Where to get Parent Essential Oils that Brian talks about formulated using his science & research!

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Interview with Dr. Brian Peskin

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— Extreme Health Radio (@ehrshow) August 18, 2013

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