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Today Brandy Vaughan joined us from Learn The Risk. Brandy was a former pharmaceutical insider (she used to work for the major drug company called Merck selling vioxx to doctors and hospitals.) who revealed some pretty shocking information lately about vaccines, flu shots and how health is created in the body.

As you know vaccines is a hot topic in today's world. You have people on either side of the fence. People who are pro vaccines against the anti-vaxers.

The is creating division in our country.

She talked about her time at Merck and how that led to where she is today. How does a person selling drugs to doctors become the person Brandy is? Her transformation is incredible and she shares how it all happened in today's show.

We also talked about what vioxx does and what creates health in the body. Health and immunity as Brandy says, doesn't come from injecting foreign chemical compounds directly into your bloodstream bypassing the natural immune response of the body.

Health doesn't come from a doctor, a shot, a vaccine or a pill. Health comes from within. A healthy body, comes from a healthy mind.

And a healthy mind lives a healthy lifestyle. A healthy mind chooses to make healthy choices.

Real immunity and real health is earned. You have to work hard at it. It's not something that's handed to you and doesn't come from a doctor. You must work for your health, as with anything in life that is valuable.

The work that Brandy does helping to educate people about the ingredients in vaccines as well as the potential risks (and there are many) of simply getting a flu shot.

We need more health advocates like Brandy Vaughan out there in the world.

Listen to this show and share if you think your friends will like it! :)

Thanks guys!

A few links mentioned during the show

Vaccines Are They Really Safe and Effective?
dissolving illusions

One Last Thing!

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Show Date:

Monday 10/11/2016

Show Guest:

Brandy Vaughan

Guest Info:

Brandy Vaughan, a former pharmaceutical representative, founded the Council for Vaccine Safety in response to one of the nation’s first mandatory vaccination for education law — SB277 in California. When working in the pharma industry, Brandy sold Vioxx, a painkiller that was found to double the risk of stroke and heart attacks and was eventually taken off the mar...