Dissolve-It-All - breaking down scar tissue, inflammation and calcification
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Digest-it-All - Better assimilate & absorb your food
Use discount code EHR15 :)

Where Mr. Atom Bergstrom gets all of his information is beyond me.

If you're interested in the more "strange", weird or esoteric concepts about life, you'll want to listen to this interview with Atom Bergstrom.

We talked about so many interesting topics. One of the more timely discussions was this whole ALS ice bucket challenge.

Does it really help to poor cold water over the top of your head in a Youtube video?

[spp-tweet "The act of defining life, limits your perception of it. - Stuart Wilde"]

As Kate surmised on one of our previous shows, yes this is bringing awareness but that's all it's doing. Awareness alone won't cure anything.

What "cures" people is lifestyle and diet and their own bodies. Perhaps ALS is really lyme disease in disguise? Maybe there's more going on with ALS than we know!

We also talked about how to avoid having negative energy and emotions effect you and pull down your vibration. He talked about how he uses specific strategies on how to disperse negative or low vibrational emotions off of you on a daily basis.

Very interesting.

We also discussed the placebo effect and how that plays a role into super conscious.

Also up for discussion was this whole idea of fluoride in our municipal water systems. Did you know that even if you eat organic food, there are chemicals falling from the sky on your produce and most likely that same organic produce was watered with municipal water that contains, fluoride, chlorine, chrloramine, amonia, and even pharmaceutical prescription drugs.


But there are ways around every challenge. Listen to this episode with Atom Bergstrom to learn some cutting edge techniques for improving your health!

I hope you enjoyed this podcast as much as we did. If you enjoyed it please share the love with your friends by clicking "like" and "share" on this page!

Sponsors For This Episode:

Carnivora Superfoods - Target & enhance your immune system with Carnivora supplements to prevent disease and feel amazing. Kate and I highly recommend checking them out!

BioAge Superfoods - Kate and I have been taking BioAge superfoods now for quite some time and we don't want to be without it. Their spirulina is incredible. Pick some up today. You'll be glad you did.

Show Notes For This Episode:

Carnivora Immune System Support
Raw Chef Program
Q-1000 NG Laser
BioAge Micro Algae
Bill Hencke Pranic Healing
ALS is Lyme Disease
Dr. David Kennedy on fluoride - see books
Chemical Engineering News
Interview with Roland Thomas from Bioage Micro Algae
Bruce Lipton show - see books
Dr. Joe Dispenza - see books
The Amazing Randi
Dr. Bernard Jensen - see books
Nexus Magazine

Commercials During This Episode:

Commercial #1 - Carnivora Immune System Support
Commercial #1 - Raw Chef Program
Commercial #1 - Q-1000 NG Laser
Commercial #1 - BioAge Micro Algae

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Show Date:

Thursday 8/28/2014

Show Guest:

Atom Bergstrom

Guest Info:

Atom has been teaching workshops and seminars across the U.S.A. since 1977. With over 50 years experience in health and nutrition,