Tim Beilharz, is joined by David Krebs (SUNSW), Heather Thompson (High School SRE Teacher) and Liam Nolan (Youth and Families Minister, Normanhurst Anglican Church) to discuss how lunchtime groups in public schools can be a great complement to both SRE and local church ministry.

Contact David Krebs about starting your own lunchtime group [email protected]

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00:07 Introduction to the Effective Ministry Podcast

01:25 The Role of Lunchtime Groups in Public Schools

05:51 The Importance of Lunchtime Groups

06:57 How to Start a Lunchtime Group

08:57 The Benefits of Lunchtime Groups

19:43 Challenges in Running Lunchtime Groups

27:56 Success Stories from Lunchtime Groups

32:33 How to Get Involved in Lunchtime Groups

33:45 Conclusion and Contact Information