Tim is joined by Marshall Ballentine-Jones (CEO of DigiHelp Publishing) and Emma Argall (Christian School teacher) to talk about pornography and it’s impact on young people.

Together they delve into challenges faced in raising children and youth in a highly sexualized world, particularly one with high pornography consumption.

They explore the guilt and shame often associated with pornography consumption among Christian youth, the neurological effects of porn addiction, the theological implications, and navigate how to guide young people towards healthier understandings of sex and relationships.

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00:00 Introduction and Acknowledgement of the Struggle

00:44 Introducing the Podcast and Guests

02:04 Understanding the Impact of Pornography

03:58 Defining Pornography

04:51 The Prevalence and Impact of Pornography

07:42 Personal Experiences and Observations

11:32 Understanding the Neurological Aspects

18:33 Theological Implications of Pornography

24:22 Addressing the Issue in Youth Ministries

31:20 Conclusion and Preview of Part Two


Resist: ⁠https://resistporn.org/⁠

Culture Reframed: ⁠https://culturereframed.org/⁠

It’s Time We Talked: https://itstimewetalked.com/

Patricia Weerakoon, Talking Sex By The Book