Jackie Richards was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (an autoimmune disease) at 23. She had just gone through an emotionally traumatic year, was hardly eating or sleeping, and woke up one day with a handful of joints that would not move. She went 3 years with just being on medication, not finding any relief, but after having her baby boy come 6 weeks early at just 3 lbs, she decided it was time to quit being a victim to her illness (her baby boy came early due to the steroids and heavy medications she was on for my arthritis). Since that time, she has made various lifestyle changes which have contributed to her living a more healthy and beautiful life. In addition, she was just recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. She is a real trooper and I love her determination to change her attitude, though her circumstances were beyond her control. She is truly extraordinary!

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Connect with Jackie on Instagram
Jackie's blog
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Jackie Richards was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis (an autoimmune disease) at 23. She had just gone through an emotionally traumatic year, was hardly eating or sleeping, and woke up one day with a handful of joints that would not move. She went 3 years with just being on medication, not finding any relief, but after having her baby boy come 6 weeks early at just 3 lbs, she decided it was time to quit being a victim to her illness (her baby boy came early due to the steroids and heavy medications she was on for my arthritis). Since that time, she has made various lifestyle changes which have contributed to her living a more healthy and beautiful life. In addition, she was just recently diagnosed with Thyroid Cancer. She is a real trooper and I love her determination to change her attitude, though her circumstances were beyond her control. She is truly extraordinary!

Show Notes:

Connect with Jackie on Instagram

Jackie’s blog

Connect with Jessica:
