In this episode I talk about how basically it is important to remember to remember (lol) your dreams as soon as you wake up in the morning.   One way to facilitate this is by setting up a primer near your bed so as soon as you wake you look at this primer and remember that you need to remember your dreams from the night before.   One example of a good primer might be a poster about dreaming that you see as soon as you wake up.   Another good way to set primers is to change something in your room. For me, I was going to clear off my cluttered desk, because that is unusual to my morning habits so it will give me a pattern interrupt and I will remember that I am trying to remember my dreams.   The other thing I talked about in this podcast is how do cell phones affect our dream recall in the morning. Basically they are good and bad because they are easy to take notes in for your dream journal but they often present a distraction.