You ever feel like you’re being watched? You ever know you’re being watched by undefined groups of people who inevitably include your coworkers and your ex-wife? You ever see one thing twice and go “That’s no coincidence!” Well crank that up to 11 and start posting nonstop and you’ll be amongst the Targeted Individuals who […]

You ever feel like you’re being watched? You ever know you’re being watched by undefined groups of people who inevitably include your coworkers and your ex-wife? You ever see one thing twice and go “That’s no coincidence!” Well crank that up to 11 and start posting nonstop and you’ll be amongst the Targeted Individuals who believe themselves to be the victims of gangstalking.

Gangstalking is when shadowy cabals of people start planting agents in your life to suggest that you smell bad or get mad at you for being good at video games. There is no real solution to this problem, as a) law enforcement does not recognize it as real and b) it’s not real. One can only combat such opposition by posting all the time and doxxing their neighbors. That’ll show ’em!

This week, Extra Credit has cross words for Tuttle.

The music video for the outro music that Frank West insists you all see: