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About the Book - When Doctrine Divides the People of God Evangelicals desire to be “biblical”—they want their doctrine to be rooted in the Bible, their lives to be guided by the Bible, and their disagreements to be resolved by the Bible. This is not an easy task. The Bible itself is a unified story composed of 66 diverse books—each book having countless interpretations. Perceived correct interpretations and deeply held convictions can put Christians at odds with their peers. In When Doctrine Divides the People of God, Rhyne Putman reflects on how Christians can hold to the inerrancy of Scripture and still arrive at different interpretations, and what to do when those disagreements stand between them and the biblical call for unity. This thorough analysis of theological diversity in the church provides essential biblical application—grace in disagreement, firmness in truth, and unity in diversity.

About the Author Rhyne R. Putman (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) is an associate professor of theology and culture at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, where he has served since 2010. He is the pastor of preaching and vision at First Baptist Church in Kenner, Louisiana, and has published multiple volumes and articles, such as The Method of Christian Theology and In Defense of Doctrine. Rhyne and his wife, Micah, currently reside in New Orleans together with their two children.

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