Airtable, valued at $1.1 billion, is carving out a new product category that could compete with cloud computing in value. The founder of Airtable, Howie Liu, joins Azeem Azhar to discuss what creating a new market category looks like in practice.

They also discuss:

How Airtable is democratizing software development.
Why investors were initially skeptical, and how Howie got them on board.
How Airtable treats its competition, including the tech giants.

Further reading:

Move Slow and Make Things: Airtable’s Howie Liu Built A $1B Software Giant Emphasizing Substance Over Speed” (Forbes, 2018)
No-one understood our idea, but now it’s worth over $1bn“ ” (BBC, Nov. 4, 2019)
100 People Transforming Business“ ” (Business Insider, 2019)




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