Denny Unger is the CEO and Creative Director at Cloudhead Games.

Since 2012 they’ve shipped 4 VR titles (Call of the Starseed, Heart of the Emberstone, Valve Aperture Hand Labs, and the blockbusting PistolWhip)

Cloudhead Games’ pioneering approach to VR gave rise to two broadly adopted standards; VR Comfort Mode/Snap Turns and Blink Teleportation. Working closely with VR hardware leaders in the space, including Valve, Oculus, HTC, Sony, Cloudhead Games continues to innovate, inform, and entertain. Denny regularly speaks at events, sharing his experience and vision of how VR will impact our daily lives.

You were the first guest for this podcast back in March 2016 where we chatted on the potential future for VR and AR.

See more about Cloudhead Games - the VR studio behind Pistol Whip, Aperture Hand Labs and the fantasy adventure trilogy The Gallery, which has won over 30 awards and nominations including ‘VR Game of the Year’

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