Chris Dancy is touted as “the Most Connected Man on Earth,” and the world is watching those connections carefully.

For 25 years, Chris has served in leadership within the technology and healthcare industries, specializing in the intersection of the two. Chris entered the public dialog concerning digital health as the media started to focus on wearable technology.

He earned his moniker by utilizing up to 700 sensors, devices, applications, and services to track, analyze, and optimize his life--from his calorie intake to his spiritual well-being. This quantification enables him to see the connections of otherwise invisible data, resulting in dramatic upgrades to his health, productivity, and quality of life.

Chris guides organizations and audiences on a journey -- a disruptive, breathtaking journey -- into the future of computing, when behavior becomes the ultimate interface.

See more about Chris on his website

Chris speaking at Cyborg Camp MIT in 2014 - link

See more about Nikolas at