Welcome to Season 2, Episode 7 of the Exponential Minds Podcast. Nikolas Badminton, Futurist, Keynote Speaker and Author, speaks to the amazing thinkers that dream bigger and impact the world with their thinking and actions.

Here Nikolas speaks with Ben Feist who went from advertising to creating ‘Apollo in Real Time’ and went on to become a Data Visualization Software Engineer at NASA where he’s helping humanity to learn to live on other planets.

See NASA’s Apollo 11, 13, and 17 missions and explore the stories of those involved from 1 minute before liftoff to the return-to-earth at ‘Apollo in Real Time’ at https://apolloinrealtime.org/

Connect with Ben at https://www.linkedin.com/in/feist/

See more of Nikolas’ work at https://www.nikolasbadminton.com