Exploring the Bizarre (KCORradio.com) hosts Tim Beckley and Tim Swartz welcome CAROLE LINDA GONZALES to our cosmic shores. In many respects this edition of the program is a retrospect of occultism in NYC in the late Sixties and Nineteen Seventies when Beckley set up one of the first metaphysical centers in the country and Carole happened to be one of his students. Classes in astral projection, how to read tarot cards ,hypnosis, mediumship and witchcraft (in particular the brand known as WICCA) were the order of the day with some of the most famous paranormalists cutting their teeth at the school. Carole first met Timothy when she would attend talks and workshops on UFOs and paranormal topics at Beckley's Metaphysical Center. It was at Beckley's Metaphysical Center where Carole first met Walli Elmlark, the White Witch of New York. In Beckley's book "David Bowie, UFOs, Witchcraft, Cocaine and Paranoia - The Occult Saga of Walli Elmlark The "Rock N' Roll Witch of New York," Carole talks about how Walli Elmlark was the first working witch she had ever met. "She was my teenaged idea of an enchantress, Carole said. "She was beautiful, magical and was part of a world I didn't know. Walli looked like the kind of woman I wanted to be. What I learned from her was the ritual structure that is the basics of magick as practiced today. It was the start of my personal practice." Carole is also interested in UFOs and has written for The Village Voice, the Isis-Seshat Journal and other publications. Our guest is a long time resident of New York city and a long time friend of Timothy Green Beckley.Carole is a practicing witch and a longtime occultist. She also manages the New York City Area JRR Tolkien & Fantasy Fans. Free newsletter www.ConspiracyJournal.com