Exploring the Bizarre (KCORradio.com) hosts Tim Beckley and Tim Swartz welcome ALEKSANDAR PETAKOV to discuss the weird and unexplained events taking place in the Pennsylvania Triangle. At an undisclosed location, for reasons of privacy and secrecy-- so their work cannot be interrupted --, strange things are happening all around them, This includes the appearance of an unidentified life form, as well as UFOs of undetermined origin. Alex is a documentary filmmaker and multimedia artist, as well as an avid adventurer who is constantly searching for the unknown. Traveling across the world, Alex as researcher various Cryptozological creatures such as Sasquatch the Loch Ness Monster, the Lake Champlain monster, mystery big cats as well as other phenomenon and mysterious places ranging from the paranormal Bridgewater Triangle of Massachusetts to the hermit kingdom of North Korea. His adventures are posted at www.petakovmedia.com including some very dramatic UFO footage from the research he has been conducting along with Paul Eno in the PA Triangle. Grab a subscription to our free weekly zine at www.ConspiracyJournal.com