Micah Hoffman (@WebBreacher) is a SANS instructor who will be teaching a brand new SANS course, SANS487: Open-Source Intelligence Gathering and Analysis.

Kirby Plessas (@kirbstr) runs her own training company Plessas Experts Network, Inc. There is an online training portal that you can use to learn more about OSINT.

Josh Huff (@baywolf88) is a Digital Forensics Private Investigator and OSINT addict. He runs the Learn All The Things website.

This is a new format for the podcast that I am trying out. It's a lot like the conference episodes I do: It's longer; I allow swearing; and there is no format or direction. I asked for OSINT questions on Twitter and got some pretty good ones back for people to answer. I can turn this into a live show that would allow for people watching to interact with the guests on the show. I need feedback on whether or not this of interest to people. Hit me up on Twitter (@TimothyDeBlock) or email (timothy[.]deblock[@]gmail[.]com)

In this open edition of the Exploring Information Security podcast, I sit down with Micah Hoffman, Kerby Plessas, and Josh Huff to discuss Open Source INTelligence (OSINT).

Micah Hoffman (@WebBreacher) is a SANS instructor who will be teaching a brand new SANS course, SANS487: Open-Source Intelligence Gathering and Analysis.

Kirby Plessas (@kirbstr) runs her own training company Plessas Experts Network, Inc. There is an online training portal that you can use to learn more about OSINT.

Josh Huff (@baywolf88) is a Digital Forensics Private Investigator and OSINT addict. He runs the Learn All The Things website.

This is a new format for the podcast that I am trying out. It's a lot like the conference episodes I do: It's longer; I allow swearing; and there is no format or direction. I asked for OSINT questions on Twitter and got some pretty good ones back for people to answer. I can turn this into a live show that would allow for people watching to interact with the guests on the show. I need feedback on whether or not this of interest to people. Hit me up on Twitter (@TimothyDeBlock) or email (timothy[.]deblock[@]gmail[.]com)

In this episode we discuss:

Why it's important to automate OSINTWhat tools are available for OSINTWhere does OSINT end and breaking the law begin?Where can OSINT be used in an organizationHow to get into OSINTand much much more

More Resources:

Automating OSINTHunchlyOSINT FrameworkSpiderfootIntelTechniquesSANS Webcast: OSINT for Everyone - Understanding Risks and Protecting Your DataDeep Dive in the Dark Web OSINT Style

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