Kyle (@chaoticflaws) is someone I've started to get to know this year. He's an organizer of Converge and BSides Detroit. He's also an organizer for MiSec. Talking with him I noticed a strong interest in memory forensics. This allowed us to geek out a bit on the topic considering I have experience with performing memory forensics as part of incident response. It was one of the more interesting things I've done in security.

In this investigative episode of the Exploring Information Security podcast, Kyle Andrus joins me to discuss memory forensics.

Kyle (@chaoticflaws) is someone I've started to get to know this year. He's an organizer of Converge and BSides Detroit. He's also an organizer for MiSec. Talking with him I noticed a strong interest in memory forensics. This allowed us to geek out a bit on the topic considering I have experience with performing memory forensics as part of incident response. It was one of the more interesting things I've done in security.

In this episode we discuss:

How Kyle got into memory forensicsWhat tools are available to perform memory forensicsWhy memory forensics are useful to an organizationWhat skills are needed for memory forensics

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