In this episode of Exploring Hydrogen, we are joined by Toll Global Express’s Director of ESG, Heather Bone. Together with Andy, they dive deep into the business’s diverse decarbonisation strategy and the variety of solutions including hydrogen play a part in this. 

Heather’s Highlights:

1:25 – Toll Global Express business overview

3:02 – The energy transition of their fleet

4:31 – Various solutions for the supply chain

5:05 – Allegro and the board’s support paired with CEO Christine Holgate’s passion about decarbonisation

6:25 – When is the right time for decarbonisation with a high volume and low margin business?

7:55 – Are customers willing to pay a green premium? 

9:20 – All bids and tenders have an ESG component including decarbonisation, minimisation of waste, diversity inclusion as well as a priority in local jobs 

10:30 – The smallest fleet components first 

11:40 – Clean energy regulator is working on a new carbon credit methodology

12:40 – EVs for trucks is very complicated – the weight, conditions, productivity, and driver behaviour

15:00 – How critical is refuelling time? 

16:15 – What does the depot of the future look like?

18:15 – Unlikely to see large Hydrogen vehicles in this market until the end of this decade 

19:20 – Jobs and skills are a big factor that needs to be considered

21:30 – Regulatory body decisions are still a big unknown for the sector

22:00 – Decarbonisation is a community effort – working with the entire supply chain 

24:00 – Australia is unique with many learnings from other markets not directly translating

25:30 – Can’t afford for anyone to fail – creates a chain effect 

27:20 – How is Coles, Woolworths, Ikea and Office Works partnering with Toll Global Express?

28:30 – Charging stations and hydrogen networks 

32:20 – New age cowboys

33:00 – What can be achieved in the next 5 years?  

34:30 – Vehicle manufacturers’ (OEM) distance to the Australia market

35:20 – What makes Heather, as Toll Global Express’s Director of ESG successful? 

38:40 – Get in touch; this is a community effort

39:30 – Hydrogen Connect Summit 2022

About Heather
Heather Bone is Director ESG for Toll Global Express. She has more than 20 years experience in renewable energy, environment and sustainable development, strategic and business development, safety, marketing and communications in mines, energy, waste, transport, logistics and manufacturing in Australia and internationally.


Toll’s website 

Allegro Funds – 


Heather Bone’s LinkedIn - 

Hydrogen Connect Summit 2022 -