A conversation with Rike Maier on the use and mis-use of remixes on the internet. How does one regulate the immeasurable amount of material uploaded every minute and do filters do a good job of keeping copyright infringements at bay?

Rike Maier on remixes and upload filters

Ever worried about not being able to put your video up on Youtube? More than hundred hours of videos are uploaded every minute. So how do platforms make sure people obey the rules? How to make sure this content is not stolen? They use automatic filters, which have caused some nasty side effects.

Rike Maier is copyright researcher and associated at the Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG). Wouter Bernhardt interviewed Rike about her research and what upload filter exactly do.

More about what Rike does: https://www.hiig.de/staff/rike-maier/ and her thesis on remixes and copyright: http://bit.ly/2BnmZM4