In this episode, Dr. Hackie Reitman speaks with returning guest Becca Lory, CAS, BCCS.

Becca you may know as the co-host of our audio podcast by and for women on the autism spectrum, Spectrumly Speaking. She is an autism self-advocate, consultant, speaker, and writer. With a focus on living an active, positive life, her work includes autism consulting, public speaking engagements, writing a monthly blog, Live Positively Autistic. Currently she is the Director of Communications at the Center for Neurodiversity, Becca also sits on the Advisory Board of the Nassau-Suffolk chapter of the Autism Society of America, the Board of Directors of Different Brains and the Foundation for Life Guides for Autism, the Community Council of AASET (Autistic Adults and other Stakeholders Engaged Together). Becca discusses how support for women has increased, highlights what challenges still exist, and offers tips to the recently diagnosed.

Be sure to check out Spectrumly Speaking, the Different Brains podcast Becca co-hosts on Different Brains:

For more about Becca, visit:

To order “Spectrum Women: Walking to the Beat of Autism” visit: or

For Becca’s emotional support dog Walter’s Instagram:

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