In 2006, Christina experienced a tragic event which changed the trajectory of her life. She describes grief as a catalyst for redefining identity, and outlines the process of “reentry”, or returning to life. Her mission is to change the way we grieve, the way we live, and how we define our potential in this life, and the hereafter.

Do you have an exploring death story you’d like to share with Lisa? Please leave a comment on the podcast or contact Lisa at [email protected]

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Show Notes

Discussing her book - 3:21 The passing of her husband - 3:56 Believing that you will never be happy again - 5:16 What happens after we die? - 6:19 What is reality made of - 7:00 The holographic principle - 8:50 The hologram disappears but, the consciousness stays there - 9:23 We are experiencing reality thru the hologram - 10:45 When we die, we die for someone else's reality - 11:31 Where did you go?: Christina's book has an amazing message - 14:07 Using a doorway as an entrance to another dimension - 16:00 The Near-Death Experience Research Foundation - 18:57 Lisa shares her near-death experience - 20:40 Christina tells us how Lisa's story is very important - 23:44 Our experiences are crucial in our evolution - 25:16 Seeing dead people in your dreams - 28:47 People are so resistant to death - 30:05 Lisa reads some cards for Christina - 30:31 Everybody is afraid about death - 31:00 There is no end just light and love - 35:09 Where to get Christina's book - 39:18 The different dimensions of ourselves - 46:03 Lisa reads some cards about the holographic universe - 47:20

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