Last week, Sara had the great honor of participating at our in-person conference the AxonIQ Con 2022 at the Tobacco Theatre in Amsterdam. 

AxonIQ hosted two days of amazing talks, workshops, knowledge sharing, connecting, and hallway discussions. 

On our final day, we had a panel discussion with 4 panelists who presented talks or workshops at our conference. The panelists were Simon Zambrovski of Hamburg consulting firm, Holisticon, Andy Whitaker from the state of Indiana, Marc Klefter from the Swedish consulting firm, Edument, and our CTO Allard Buijze. We hope you enjoy the conversation! 
We discuss various topics, including using Axon with Kotlin, the challenges of event sourcing, the necessary mindset change when exploring new ideas, and the pros/cons of location transparency. 
You can always join in the conversation at our Discuss platform with your questions, comments, and feedback.
Connect with Simon on LinkedIn and Twitter
Connect with Andy on LinkedIn and Twitter
Connect with Marc on LinkedIn
Connect with Allard on LinkedIn and Twitter
Connect with Sara on LinkedIn and Twitter

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