"There's something special about this"

Tony Breu is a Hospitalist and medical educator whom I have affectionately termed the Championship Belt Holder for creating threads of information on Twitter known as #MedThreads or #Tweetorials. These threads are brilliant, fun and are changing how we learn. Tony and I jump into the impact of these threads, tensions they're generating, and what the future holds.

Tony just had an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on this same subject, it can be found by clicking here


Please subscribe and rate/review Explore The Space on iTunes or wherever you download podcasts.

Email feedback or ideas to [email protected]

Follow on Twitter @ETSshow, Instagram @explorethespaceshow

Key Learnings

1. The origins of Tony's style of teaching...The #MedThread and its founding

2. The engagement that Tony draws on social media #SoMe and how it outstrips any other forum like publications or speaking

3. The tension between putting premium scholarship on social media versus traditional publication pathways

4. PubMed Hell vs Twitter Hell

5. Peer review and scholarship on social media

6. Having agency over how we learn and having fun while we do it

7.  Wherein Tony and I create the future of this kind of education and the challenge of doing it "in between" our regular jobs

8. The importance of agility & sponsorship in elevating and retaining educators like Tony

9. The future of the #MedThread Championship Belt Holder


Twitter: @tony_breu

Tony's New England Journal of Medicine article

The results of Tony's survey regarding #MedThreads/#Tweetorials

Explore The Space White Paper on Social Media and CVs

#Twitter, #medthread, #tweetorial, #SoMe, #MedEd, #teaching, #podcast, #podcasting, #healthcare, #digitalhealth, #health, #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medicalschool, #resident, #physician

“There’s something special about this”

Tony Breu is a Hospitalist and medical educator whom I have affectionately termed the Championship Belt Holder for creating threads of information on Twitter known as #MedThreads or #Tweetorials. These threads are brilliant, fun and are changing how we learn. Tony and I jump into the impact of these threads, tensions they’re generating, and what the future holds.

Tony just had an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine on this same subject, it can be found by clicking here


Please subscribe and rate/review Explore The Space on iTunes or wherever you download podcasts.

Email feedback or ideas to [email protected]

Follow on Twitter @ETSshow, Instagram @explorethespaceshow

Key Learnings

1. The origins of Tony’s style of teaching…The #MedThread and its founding

2. The engagement that Tony draws on social media #SoMe and how it outstrips any other forum like publications or speaking

3. The tension between putting premium scholarship on social media versus traditional publication pathways

4. PubMed Hell vs Twitter Hell

5. Peer review and scholarship on social media

6. Having agency over how we learn and having fun while we do it

7.  Wherein Tony and I create the future of this kind of education and the challenge of doing it “in between” our regular jobs

8. The importance of agility & sponsorship in elevating and retaining educators like Tony

9. The future of the #MedThread Championship Belt Holder


Twitter: @tony_breu

Tony’s New England Journal of Medicine article

The results of Tony’s survey regarding #MedThreads/#Tweetorials

Explore The Space White Paper on Social Media and CVs

#Twitter, #medthread, #tweetorial, #SoMe, #MedEd, #teaching, #podcast, #podcasting, #healthcare, #digitalhealth, #health, #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medicalschool, #resident, #physician

Twitter Mentions