"Be safe & have fun. That's it. That's all I said. Be safe & have fun."

Michelle West does hard things. Things like finishing her 4th Badwater 135, one of the toughest foot races in the world. She dealt with 50 degree temperature swings, dust storms, wind, sleep deprivation and myriad other challenges to complete the race. She rejoined Explore The Space Podcast a few days after finishing to discuss her remarkable insights on doing hard things.

Check out Michelle's previous appearances on Explore The Space Podcast here

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Watch Explore The Space Podcast host Mark Shapiro deliver a TEDx address at TEDx SUNY Upstate. The topic is "Compliments As A Performance Lever During Covid-19"
Sponsor: Elevate your expertise with Creighton University’s Healthcare Executive Educational programming. Learn more about Creighton’s Executive MBA and Executive Fellowship programs at www.creighton.edu/CHEE.
Sponsor: The Clinician Experience Project by Practicing Excellence uses coaching and development to help clinicians become their best and improve patient and organizational outcomes, while amplifying purpose and contentment. Learn more at https://practicingexcellence.com/.
Key Learnings

1. Seeing the record breaking heat in Death Valley before the race

2. The incredibly difficult conditions at the start of the race

3. Carrying chaos forward and starting something hard

4. Finding enjoyment as an exercise in mental toughness

5. Compartmentalization as a tool to move through prolonged challenges

6. Dealing with physical discomfort while trying to maintain mental toughness

7. Why Michelle trusts her legs

8. Hallucinations in the desert

9. The sadness when it's all over

10. Michelle's incredible approach to building a high-functioning team

11. Relentless forward motion!

#Badwater, #ultrarunning, #marathon, #DeathValley, #mentaltoughness #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medical, #student, #resident, #fellowship

“Be safe & have fun. That’s it. That’s all I said. Be safe & have fun.”

Michelle West does hard things. Things like finishing her 4th Badwater 135, one of the toughest foot races in the world. She dealt with 50 degree temperature swings, dust storms, wind, sleep deprivation and myriad other challenges to complete the race. She rejoined Explore The Space Podcast a few days after finishing to discuss her remarkable insights on doing hard things.

Check out Michelle’s previous appearances on Explore The Space Podcast here

Please subscribe to and rate Explore The Space on Apple Podcasts or wherever you download podcasts.

Email feedback or ideas to [email protected]

Check out the archive of Explore The Space Podcast as well as our Position Papers and much more!

Follow on Twitter @ETSshow, Instagram @explorethespaceshow

Watch Explore The Space Podcast host Mark Shapiro deliver a TEDx address at TEDx SUNY Upstate. The topic is “Compliments As A Performance Lever During Covid-19”

Sponsor: Elevate your expertise with Creighton University’s Healthcare Executive Educational programming. Learn more about Creighton’s Executive MBA and Executive Fellowship programs at www.creighton.edu/CHEE.

Sponsor: The Clinician Experience Project by Practicing Excellence uses coaching and development to help clinicians become their best and improve patient and organizational outcomes, while amplifying purpose and contentment. Learn more at https://practicingexcellence.com/.

Key Learnings

1. Seeing the record breaking heat in Death Valley before the race

2. The incredibly difficult conditions at the start of the race

3. Carrying chaos forward and starting something hard

4. Finding enjoyment as an exercise in mental toughness

5. Compartmentalization as a tool to move through prolonged challenges

6. Dealing with physical discomfort while trying to maintain mental toughness

7. Why Michelle trusts her legs

8. Hallucinations in the desert

9. The sadness when it’s all over

10. Michelle’s incredible approach to building a high-functioning team

11. Relentless forward motion!

#Badwater, #ultrarunning, #marathon, #DeathValley, #mentaltoughness #leadership, #mentorship, #coaching, #FOAmed, #doctor, #nurse, #meded, #education, #hospital, #hospitalist, #innovation, #innovate, #medicalstudent, #medical, #student, #resident, #fellowship

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