Welcome to Explore Home Podcast! This week we explore home with Danny Seo,

Publisher and Co-Principal of RUE Magazine.

Danny is the epitome of a modern-day Renaissance man, he is the author of 14 books, has run a non-profit organization, worked with Oprah Winfrey and Reese Witherspoon, and produced and starred on an Emmy award winning lifestyle show. 

Neil and Danny discuss his unusual and inspiring childhood. On his 12th birthday, which happens to be Earth Day, Danny decided he wanted to start an environmental organization. It became the largest non-profit organization for teenagers for environmental advocacy in the US. 

Danny then focuses on his desire to combine his passions: the environment, eating well, entertaining, and traveling. This led to writing books on home renovation, entertaining, charities, and philanthropy. 7 years ago, Danny launched the Naturally Danny Seo brand. His magazine, Naturally Danny Seo, hit the shelves and immediately flew off of them. This success launched him into the world of television, including his own show on NBC and countless guest spots on daytime talk shows.

Neil and Danny then talk about his latest endeavor, RUE Magazine, now on newsstands. Danny is a firm believer that consumers favor quality, from the paper that the magazine is printed on, to the content, Danny oversees it all. Danny and RUE magazine are bring the publication to life at the Universal showroom during High Point Furniture Market. Designers will have 5 minutes to showcase their work to Kelli Lamb, Editorial Designer of RUE magazine. To learn more about Danny and RUE magazine visit ruemag.com