Season1 Episode 13 International Students Studying in Finland, Junyi, Betti & Miia Explain All, Part 1 In this episode, I meet Junyi Ding & Betti Csiba, who tell me about life as an international student at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK). Many thanks to Miia Koski from SeAMK for arranging (and participating in) the recording. Guests: Jinyu (Winnie) Ding … Continue reading International Business Degree Students at SeAMK, Finland – part 1

Season1 Episode 13 International Students Studying in Finland, Junyi, Betti & Miia Explain All, Part 1

In this episode, I meet Junyi Ding & Betti Csiba, who tell me about life as an international student at Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK). Many thanks to Miia Koski from SeAMK for arranging (and participating in) the recording.

Guests: Jinyu (Winnie) Ding & Betti Csiba – International Students. Miia Koski – Student counsellor, SeAMK

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Show Notes

Located alongside the River Seinäjoki, looming out of the earth, like the corroding carcass of a Transformer, it’s shell oxidising before your eyes… Doesn’t exactly sound like the kind of place you’d want your child to go to, does it? This is, however, not some kind of urban wasteland, rather one of the most recent additions to the collection of amazing designs of public buildings here in Seinäjoki – and that’s just the outside.

Seinäjoen Ammattikorkeakoulu (SeAMK) or Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (UAS) has been situated in the ‘F’ building of the Frami Technology Park, which was only completed a few years ago. From the outside the building looks both awesome and odd, inside it seems like an inspiring place to study & work.

In this episode of the podcast I talk to Miia Koski, who works at Seinäjoki UAS, and Winnie (from China) & Betti (from Hungary) two international students. You can hear Miia explain which courses are available to international students, in the Business & Culture, Food & Agriculture, Healthcare & Social work (Nursing) and Technology faculties. She also tells that it’s possible to study an entire degree course at Seinäjoki UAS in English.

Seinäjoki UAS from the outside

Winnie & Betti then take some time to discuss the differences between studying in Finland, compared to their own countries. Betti explains that, as her home University has an agreement with Seinäjoki UAS, she is able to take a ‘double-degree’ course. A real benefit to choosing to study in Seinäjoki. Winnie explains that class sizes are slightly more manageable when compared to Shanghai!

Both students agreed, however, that the type of studying they experience in Seinäjoki is very different; more practical than other institutions with coursework, presentations, & case studies, and less reliance of studying for tests. Betti said it generated a ‘more entrepreneurial’ style of study, using lateral thinking to develop problem solving skills.

We ended our conversation on that age-old complaint… school dinners! You’ll hear Betti’s reaction to being served Hungarian ghoulash!

In the next episode, you’ll hear part 2 of this conversation, where we talk about experiences of moving to Finland, business culture in South Ostrobothnia, what Betti and Winnie do in their free-time and, of course, the weather.

Did your school, college or University look like this?

Finnish Words in this Episode

Seinäjoen Ammattikorkeakoulu – Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences

SeAMK – Seinäjoki UAS

Frami – dervied from ‘Framilla’ meaning on display

Frami is a campus of buildings housing businesses, conference facilities and education faculties (including Seinäjoki UAS)
Frami Oy is the organisation running the business services for the campus

Into Seinäjoki – a regional & business development organisation based in the Frami D building


Seinäjoki UAS
Into Seinäjoki
Seinäjoki UAS on YouTube

Next episode S.1 Ep.14 – On The Election Trail with ‘Henna Rantasaari #135′